Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Getting home from the South.

I last used the Caledonian Sleeper to Fort William twenty years ago. Since then I have used buses, trains planes, hitch hiking and hotels to get home by public transport and minimise my carbon footprint.

On Sunday I used the sleeper again, it was perfect. I slept for 9 hours, breakfasted at Ardlui beside Loch Lomond and arrived exactly on time at Fort William thirteen hours after leaving London.

The sleeping cars must be forty years old but the cabins are immaculate, ingenious examples of design. There's a place for everything, a rather narrow but comfortable berth and after dawn..... dramatic views  of the W. highland mountains and moorland.

Last year the service franchise was taken on for 15 years by SERCO, I'm no fan of our privatised railways now largely run by the national railways of other European countries ( how can
they be privatised when they are run by the nationalised railways of other countries?). Fare increases, delays and big subsidies from the taxpayer have been the result but I will reserve judgement. So far it's been an improvement.

My ticket was a gift from friends, so much better to be given an experience then, "stuff". With Senior Railcard and advance booking I'll be doing it again.


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