Monday, 21 May 2012

First Corncrake, by the Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon

I saw my first Scottish corncrake tonight. The bird had been calling for several days between the Blue Lagoon, a little tidal pond at the foot of the croft,  and the petrol pumps at the Ferry Stores.

From the top of the slipway we watched it for about ten minutes as it stood in a clearing in the flag irises. When the the corncrakes first arrive these irises are the only cover available before the hayfield grasses are tall enough and thick enough to hide them and their nests.

Its tempting to get out at sunrise ( 5.00am) tomorrow for another look and perhaps a photograph. The image below does contain a corncrake in the triangle between the net drying poles and the upturned green boat. You'll have to take my word for it.

It is in there!

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